Grief is a relentless unwanted visitor.

Pushing on your heart and playing visuals in your memory. It often comes when you least expect it. Many times, grief seems to outwear its uninvited stay. Grief is, if nothing else, exhausting.

In all fairness, if grief could talk, I imagine it would say, “I am here. You think I left and returned, but the truth is I never left you. I have been here this whole time, patiently waiting for you to slow down. Slow down just long enough so you would see me and give me the space I have earned”.

Grief has earned a place at your table.

Grief is a sign that you have experienced loss.

A loss of something or someone in your life that you once loved.

Grief tells us that our world is not how it was and with whom it used to be.

Grief declares, “I greatly, with all my being, dislike this.”

I believe as hard as it is, and as horrible as it feels – grief fights for us.
