Grief serves you.

Grief is what, at one time, presented to you as love.

You see, when love appears, grief is always there as its silent companion.

We rarely take notice because love demands our heart’s attention.

But once the love that we recognize is gone, what is clearly and painfully visible is grief.

Grief is the other side of love’s coin.

Lost without your love – all you feel left with is grief.

Grief overwhelms our vision due to love being overshadowed.

Grief is gently asking you to follow. Fully aware of how little trust you have.

Grief understands that its path appears dark, scary and unfamiliar.

Unfamiliar and mostly scarce of what you once knew.

If you trust and allow it, grief is healing.

I encourage you to follow grief. You will come out understanding why grief has appeared to you.

Grief has come to accompany you through.

Through to where your lost love awaits.

Reunited again, in a different form.

Grief is Love.