my gift to you

Thinking of losing someone you love can be unbearable. Understandably it is hard at times and impossible to think that your loved one’s time here with you is coming to an end. Professionally and personally, I have sat with the dying, and I have held a safe space for the living to grieve.

Each person’s grief journey is unique. Some things that happen during the grief process are not unique. Wishing for ”Do Overs” and “Take Backs” with loved ones is very common. Wishing certain conversations were had and more love shared is on most people’s list of what is bothering them while they are grieving their beloved dead.

I have heard many who wish they would have done things or said things differently. I know I did things differently with each loss I had. I asked deeper questions, I found more courage to share my heart. I became increasingly more patient and more compassionate. Although every death was difficult and, at times, unbearable, I lived with a bit more peace and ease because I ask the questions and share the stories that were on my heart.

My wish is to encourage you to talk to your loved ones. It will be difficult at times, but no one ever regrets saying I love you one more time and in one more way.

Peace and love to you during this time and always,


Joy invites you to follow her professional page on Facebook and share your stories of love and loss, of questions asked and answered. She wants to hear from you!